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The 33rd International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Emirates Nursing Association-UAE proactive participation to Strengthen Nursing Midwifery Nationally, Regionally and Globally in Bali, Indonesia.

ENA has participated at the International Confederation of Midwives’ 33rd Triennial Congress in Bali, Indonesia on 11-14 June 2023. The theme of this Congress is “Together Again: From Evidence to Reality” which speaks to the ground-breaking work we have done as a global community of midwives and our commitment to translating evidence into tangible action that improves the lives of women, gender diverse people, newborns, and families.

The “midwifery Olympics” as over 113 country flags of member associations are prepared. With many midwives in amazing national costumes or wearing country emblems, this colorful extravaganza is full of fun, laughter and joy. An opportunity to experience top-class cultural contributions in the form of dance, music etc. A short address from ICM President, IBI president, inspiring Young Midwife Leader and other presentations provide a perfect program for the official opening of ICM 2023 Bali. The opening of the exhibition is followed by a Welcome Reception with drinks and canapes. The Congress contained several programs, including various presentations for several midwifery researches, and other presentations that are contributions by ICM Partners (Space Seminars and partner courses), ICM workshops and plenary sessions from various fields and lived experience related to maternity care have been invited to address the most pressing current issues.

Cascading Sessions consist of four 15-minute presentations followed by a five-minute discussion. In some of these, an additional three-minute presentation is included. These three-minute presentations for thesis/research/practice and innovation are designed to be short and engaging. These simultaneous sessions were chaired by persons selected by the Committee chosen by the Scientific Professional Program Committee (SPPC). A workshop is an interactive session that allows time for audience participation, exchange of ideas, or skills development. The purpose of workshops is to extend participants’ skills and knowledge. Workshops organized for midwives with different skill levels – introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels. Workshops designed for working on practical, clinical skills and more abstract concepts (such as advocacy or ICM member benefits).

The next, 34th ICM Triennial Congress to be held in Lisbon, Portugal from 13 – 19 June 2026.

You can register for the special Early Bonus Discount fee in the new online portal.

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